Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dr. Seuss Pillowcase Dresses

In about a month my husband and I are going to the Caribbean for a few weeks to visit family.  If you have been reading my blog for awhile you know that my Mother-in-Law and I painted my two nephews' room with Dr. Seuss Murals and then I made them each a Dr. Seuss quilt and pillow case.  Well as it happens, I now have a baby niece and a bunch of leftover Dr. Seuss Fabric.

Today I was inspired to use this leftover fabric.  I knew I wasn't going to use it in a quilt for my niece (I will make her one when she is a little older, and it isn't going to be Dr. Seuss) but I did want her to have something from the Dr. Seuss fabric.  I decided that my best option was to make some sort of clothing and settled on making Pillowcase Dresses for her.  They are cute and I heard that they are simple and quick to make and thought they would be the perfect project. 

I made the yellow dress first using this tutorial by The Mother Huddle as a rough guide for construction, otherwise I improvised and made subtle changes as I went.  After making this dress I wish I had used the rainbow stripe for the bottom and top band, but I still think it is fun the way it ended up.

My second attempt at a pillowcase dress was much more to my liking.  I had the method down, I had worked through any mistakes I made by not using an actual pattern and I prefer the way the colors look together.  I also changed this dress to have the option to tie in the back (as seen below), which I think is going to be adorable on.

Cat in the Hat Pillowcase Dress Back
After making these I would definitely make them again.  They went together quickly, once I figured out what I was doing, and they are so easy to make changes to them and customize them for your preference.

Linking up with Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation for:

My Quilt Infatuation

Thanks for reading!  Hope you are having a wonderful week.



  1. That's so cute and sweet! Excellent use of the leftovers - looks totally on purpose to me. :)

  2. How adorable and fun!!! I love the big rainbow bow on one side - it looks so cute. These are wonderful little dresses - lucky niece!

  3. pillowcase dresses are so adorable, and yours are so sweet! Such a great use of scrap fabric!

    I'm so glad you linked up with Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation
