Wednesday, October 2, 2013

WIP Wednesday - Blue and Grey Squares and Triangles

This quilt started as simply a sketch of a block.  From there I recreated it in Illustrator to test how it would look with multiple blocks in different colors and sizes.  I tested it with my blue and grey color idea and loved what I saw, so I decided to go for it.  Two test blocks later I knew how to approach the quilt, and I knew exactly how big to cut each piece.

I am still working on both the square units and the triangle units but am really enjoying the process of making this quilt.  Bright blue and grey are my favorite colors and together, I think they are to die for - which makes me love making this quilt even more. 

On a side note, while the middles of the triangles look black I consider them to be more of a really dark grey - which now that I think about it, I suppose that it what black actually is. Anyways, hope you are having as productive of a week as I am!

Edit: Linking up with WIP Wednesday @ Freshly Pieced

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Have a lovely Day!



  1. The blue and grey combo feels fresh and wintery! I can't wait to see how this comes together.

  2. this looks so pretty! That blue is just electric against the very dark center!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  3. Your progress is looking great, Elise! I love the colour palette. Can't wait to see how this all goes together!

  4. It will be interesting to see how it turns out. Lovely bright colours. I've just been fiddling with layouts for my EPP quilt and realised my original idea didn't have enough contrast. As I started playing with various fabrics, it seems a black with small white dots (just arrived in an order last week) is surprisingly going to feature.....
