Friday, January 24, 2014

Grow Your Blog!

Hi and welcome my Grow your Blog post for the Grow your blog party hosted by the lovely Vicki of 2 Bags Full!  For those of you who are here for the first time here is a little about me! My name is Elise Lea and I am a wife to a pilot named Jesse, mother to a miniature pinscher named Raptor, an avid quilter and a fabric addict.

I created this blog as a way to keep to get more involved in the quilting community and as a sort of record to keep track of and share my creations.  I would love to turn my quilting into some sort of a business and for me this was the first step in doing so.

Before blogging I did do some sewing as well as other art related things such as working with my mother in law to create a Dr. Seuss room for my nephews.  We painted murals on the walls and I made quilts and pillowcases for their beds. 

Some fun facts about me:

I grew up (and currently reside) in Minnesota and we get some of the coldest temperatures on record - for example today the high is -2˚ F (-19˚ C) and this is not including the wind husband grew up in the Caribbean - Lets just say we are both looking forward to moving somewhere much warmer.

    This year I entered my Sun Burst quilt into my first quilt show (and it got accepted)!

    I recently received my first commission.  These rainbow star quilted pillowcases.

    Even more recently (okay yesterday) I released by first quilting pattern I titled Gray Matter.  It was such an awesome feeling and without blogging I probably never would have had the courage and support to try such a thing. 

    Currently I am working with these fabrics to create a new quilt!

    I am coming up on my first year of blogging and I look forward to seeing what new adventures await me in the next year!  Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and check out my blog be sure to go over to 2 Bags Full and check out some of the other awesome bloggers!!


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    1. Congratulations Elise! Publishing a pattern is a pretty big deal!

    2. Your first pattern - excellent! It's been a joy to be part of your blogging journey.

    3. Elise - wonderful accomplishments all in the course of one year! Go girl! Congrats!

    4. Hi Elise! I'm one of the GYB Party volunteers calling in to welcome you to the party and wish you lots of success with it!

      Love those rainbow start pillowcases and, although you're enduring frigid temperatures over there right now (I'm in the UK, where it's in the 40sF), it looks nice and warm in your world. And what a good looking couple you are! I'm quite green!!LOL=)

    5. Hi Elise,

      I'm visiting from the Grow Your Blog party. You are very talented! I wish I knew how to quilt, but I am more into papercrafts. Your doggie Raptor is so adorable! I plan to look around a bit more and then be on my way to visit the others. I do hope you will stop by for a visit and enter my giveaway. Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs – Donna

    6. I'm one of the GYB party visitors, love your pattern, and have put it on my wish list!!!!

    7. Hi Elise Lea....what a lovely blog. And white I am a traditional quilter...I really love your more modern approach to quilting. You do beautiful work!

    8. Beautiful quilts! I love your modern designs. I am finding my own quilting voice somewhere between modern and traditional. Your quilts are definitely inspiring!

    9. You did a wonderful job on those bedroom walls and the quilts look amazing!
      And Im not surprised your star burst was accepted............its stunning.

    10. that is a gorgeous bedroom ... love "Cat in the Hat" ... you do amazing work!! love all the colors. you doggie too. hi there. i'm Beth from E. Lizard Breath Speaks - so nice to meet you through the Grow Your Blog get together/party. ( :

    11. You are a very talented young quilter and I can see you getting lots of followers (including me on bloglovin). Keep up the great work!
      Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

    12. nice to meet you! That Dr. Seuss room is amazing. Good luck in growing your business.

    13. Beautiful quilts and beautiful blog. Sewing is a foreign language to me, but I'm going to 'follow' along and see what I learn from reading your blog. Feel free to check my blog out if you like. Regards, Tammie Everly/ TTE Designs

      1. Thank yo so much Tammy! If you ever want to give sewing a go i completely recommend it! It is relaxing and such a joy to finish projects!

    14. You are talented. I love the room. Your quilts are amazing.

    15. Hi, I glad to discover your blog, Lucky you to work in a quilt store, Keep warm over in MN. We are pretty cold over in MI, too. I'm part of the GYB and blog about jewelry and other things at Lily and Jasmine.

    16. Wow what a year you have had and congratulations on all your accomplishments. I too am a wife to a pilot, kind of a lonely life sometimes. I love the Dr. S room you and your mother created. How fun it must have been to be able to work and share your love with your mother. It has been so nice meeting you.


      1. Thank you so much! I totally know what you mean about being a pilot's wife, luckily the whole quilting and blogging thing fills up a lot of that time while he is away so it isn't so bad.

    17. Love your quilts, especially those rainbow star burst pillowcases! Thanks for sharing your story & blog. I'm working my way through the Grow Your Blog list... I am in the 1st batch if you want to visit my embroidery blog.


    18. Big Congratulations Elise on your first pattern - it is just beautiful! I like the name too - excellent :)

      1. Thank you Jennifer! It is so fun to finally have no released and I am thrilled with how well it has been received!

    19. Good job! From the colors, looks like your new quilt will feature the season: I see fall, winter, spring, and summer colors!

      1. I didn't even notice my colors seem to change with the seasons but you are right! I am loving it even more now!

    20. Oh are fabulous quilter. Give Raptor a hug for me and think you/your husband make a darling couple; stay in it for the long haul and you'll be blessed. Visiting via Vicki's GYBP and enjoyed your post.

    21. Just found your blog on the Grow Your Blog event.
      Such a great blog. You are a very talented lady. Best wishes.

    22. Love your contrasting photos above...winter and beach! And I'm loving that stash of gorgeous fabrics. Having fun along the blog party route. Enjoy! Aloha from icy New York...not quite as low temps as you...but it is everything to sneeze at!

    23. I couldn't handle that much cold either! Your quilts are beautiful :D

      1. Thank you so much Caitlin! I grew up in the cold so you would think I could handle it better... but apparently not.

    24. I love you work and I'm so glad I found your blog. I am a new follower.

    25. Hello from the Yukon. I hope you're enjoying this party as much as I do :)
      Evalina, This and that...

    26. Hello Elisa, Your grey matter is a great design. The pillow cases are more to my color liking, I was trying to figure a color scheme using bright colors. Where can your pattern be purchased? I can never find bloglovin, but if you ever get google friends connect, I jump right on. Please get back to me on the quilt pattern. T.

    27. I love to see folks reaching for their dreams, and it looks like you are doin' all the right things, Elise :) Warm greetings from my cold wintry corner of New Brunswick, Canada!

    28. Hi Elise, you have a lovely blog and the rainbow star pillow cover is so gorgeous! Congrats on your first pattern.. Looking forward to read more of your posts. Following through bloglovin. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Cheers:)

    29. Hi Elise, your quilt is amazing. I always want to try to make quilt someday :-D.
      and thank you for stopping by in my blog.

    30. Hi Elise,

      Nice to meet you. Thank you for visiting my blog.

      Judy in Colorado

    31. what wonderful quilts. Congrats on publishing your pattern. I have really enjoyed reading your blog. Thanks for sharing. Happy hopping!

    32. Lovely quilts! I especially like how you arranged the values in the background of the Sunburst quilt, so it looks lighter at the center and darker at the edges. It really highlights the star!

    33. GREAT WORK and lovely pattern. Nice to meet you and good luck to you this year in what awaits you. Raptor is cute. I had a Summer at one time. great dogs. Happy blogging and I will return

    34. Congrats on your sewing successes. The Dr. Seuss room is so bright and colorful and fun! And I love those pillowcases. Minnesota is a far cry from the Caribbean, that's for sure. I'm definitely a warm weather gal having grown up in the South and now living in a desert country. Sending warm wishes your way, Tammy

    35. Your sewing is beautiful! I have addictions too - paper and beads. It was nice to meet you at the BYG hop.

    36. I like all things creative n thrifty and I found you from the GYB party.
      I don’t have a lot of blog time in for I just started blogging when I joined the blog party it was my New Year resolution. 600 entries and I am Reading my 431 blog and more to go. Whew a lot of good read and great giveaways too. I know the importance of having blogging followers so I dropped everything and doing the web work. My site and contact info is I believe inspiration comes from all facets of life even knowing the great people out there with wisdom and knowledge the do's and don'ts and even the wonders of life from a personal point of view. And loving the crafting networks. Just so you know I am learning about the quilting world and I do dabbling in paper crafting. I learned what mug rug is, and that quilters name there project quilts awesome names. I think that's really cool

    37. Hi to you, from South Carolina. We are currently under the spell of winter storm Pax, so it certainly is not sunny here today, but probably nothing to compare with where you live.

      Lea, your quilting projects are wonderful and are truly works of art! Thanks for sharing your work with us bloggers.

      I have many different interests and have tried just about every craft imaginable. I am a grandmother of 5 and having something to do with my mind and hands keeps me feeling happy. Blogging makes me happy, too!

      I am visiting you courtesy of the gracious Vicki and her Grow Your Blog party. I am going to be following you, so I can keep up with your quilting projects and I hope you can find a moment to check out my blog! Stay warm and be happy!

    38. Your colours are so bright and vivid! Don't give up on your dreams ... starting out is always hard, but it should get easier (I have started my crafty/designer business about 3 years ago and not giving up just yet hence the should).

      Enjoy the party!


    39. Sending a belated thank you for visiting my blog, Elise! Your quilting and design sense are fabulous! Cindy from
