Monday, February 24, 2014

A Post for Autumn Grace

Autumn Grace
 I just wanted to share a little bit of what has been on my heart the last few days and ask for help from anyone who is willing or able.  My Niece Autumn Grace was born just over a year ago on Jan 19, 2013.  She had a rough beginning to life as she had a blockage in her belly and was diagnosed with Pierre Robin Sequence which caused her to have a cleft palate.

Shortly after she was born she was rushed from her home in the Caribbean to a children's hospital in Florida to conduct tests and discuss possible surgeries - one to fix the blockage in her belly and another to extend her jaw and allow her airways to open.  In the days following the arrival at the hospital miracles took place and all of her immediate issues left her without the need for any surgery.  She was left with only the cleft palate - which was to be fixed when she is between 10 and 15 months old.

Autumn on her 1st Birthday

Autumn is now a perfectly healthy bouncy toddler girl at nearly 14 months old, however she needs to have her cleft closed to help with eating and speech.  It is imperative that this surgery takes place between 10-15 months old as to not develop further complications in speech.

Here is were the bad news comes in...

Autumn and her family do not have US healthcare because they live in a British overseas territory and most of the time do not find it necessary, but with the birth of their daughter they found themselves in an unusual circumstance.  They were under the impression that they could pay for part of the surgery up front and following the surgery set up a payment plan with the hospital.

Sunny and Kris (Autumn's parents) were phoned a few days ago by the Arnold Palmer Hospital and told they reduced the in hospital cost from $25,000 to $7,276.50 - but there was a catch - they must pay that cost in cash up front. Of course this fee does not include the doctors cost and other various cost that are always associated with surgeries.

Since they had dealt with this hospital just over a year ago they were under the previous understanding that they could form a payment plan with the hospital as they did before.  However with the new health care system being implemented in the US they were told this must be paid prior to surgery.  They must walk into the hospital on March 11, 2014 and give them the funds or the surgery would be cancelled.

Autumn with her Dad-Sun, Mom-Kris, & Brothers Seth & Isaiah

We are in a hurry because Autumn's surgery is scheduled for March 13, 2014.  We are asking our friends, family, and anyone is able for any help towards these medical expenses.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about Autumn's story please don't hesitate to contact me.  Below is a link to her fundraiser site, donations of any size are appreciated as well as prayers!

Thank you in advance to all those who are able to help. We cannot express our gratitude enough.  If you are touched by Autumn's story please pass it on to others.


Edit:  Thanks to many generous people all of the funds have been raised with time to spare! So Autumn will be going ahead with the surgery on time.  Thanks for all your prayers and support.

1 comment:

  1. What a hard place to be in but it looks as if the funds have now been covered which is excellent news! Hopefully Autumn's parents won't be left with any outstanding payments either. I hope and pray the surgery and recovery will both proceed very smoothly.
