Monday, April 14, 2014

Q2 Finish Along List

I decided to finally hold myself accountable and join the finish along this quarter.  I am a little late to the game but there is still 7 hours until the linky party closes.  Shall we begin?

1) Flying Geese Quilt: This is the biggest item on my FAL list - my husband has been encouraging me to get it done for months now and something just needs to be done.  It is a queen size flying geese quilt that for some reason or another decided to quilt by hand - and I need to finish the quilting and bind it.

2) Grey Matter #2: I have the fabric cut for this quilt and want to turn it into a finished quilt to show the versatility of the pattern.

3) April Rhodes Party Dress: Needs to be sewn together and finished.  Finished: Blogged About here

4) Purple and Tan Quilt: I created a pattern and started cutting up that gorgeous stack of fabrics.

5) Milky Way Medallion #2:  I have the fabrics pulled but nothing else done.  I need to iron and start cutting so I can work on the pattern for this quilt.  Finished: Blogged about here

I also have four more projects that live in my UFO bin that I don't have pictures of and probably won't get to but thought I would mention them anyway even if only just to record it for my sake.

6) My first real quilt top I ever made as an adult: top is done - maybe add borders but it needs to be quilted and bound.

7) Scrappy Lap quilt top and backing that I made but never blogged needs quilting and binding.

8) Tula Pink Bubble Quilt: I bought the Prince Charming quilt line a few years back and cut out a bunch of bubbles and proceeded to make a quilt  with them.  We ended up moving before I got it finished and now it is just sitting in a bin waiting to be finished.

9) The start of my first quilt ever (I was probably 8) - my mom found it and gave it to me and I need to figure out a way to finish it...It is a disaster of 90's fabric and poor sewing.

Wow I have a lot to accomplish!  But hopefully this FAL is just what I need to get my butt into gear.  I have some extra time today so hopefully I can get a little closer to knocking one of these off my list!

Linking up with Katy @ the Littlest Thistle for the Q2 FAL



  1. Oooh that flying geese quilt is gorgeous!!! Love the colors!

  2. Lots to do, maybe this is a 2014 list! I love your flying geese quilt - the fabrics are amazing, such beautiful graduations in colour. Are they a range of solids or have you use some ombre fabrics for even the little triangles appear to change colour?

  3. Man. Your list might be longer than mine! I didn't know that was possible. We should both get to work!! :)

  4. Wow you have some lovely projects on the go I love the rainbow hand quilted flying geese it really looks amazing! I'd love to see that 90' fabric. lol!! good luck

    1. I'll be sure to share that 90's quilt soon lol. It is just chunks of a quilt I started as a kid, luckily I had a mom that had a fabric stash I could dig through and use whatever as long as I asked first...

  5. Eee grads, your flying geese quilt is stunning!! Can't wait for a full reveal!
