Saturday, May 25, 2013

Pillow Case Fabric

This is the second part to my mother’s day post. For mother’s Day I made my mother a lap quilt and I knew I wanted to make something for my mother-in-law (or mama Clover as I call her) too but the question was what?

You see my in-laws live on the beautiful island of Montserrat located in the Caribbean. My husband and I aren’t going to be able to go for a visit until October and shipping things there can be very expensive. I wanted Mama Clover to have something she could use, but something that could easily ship and then it came to me…Pillowcases!

While working at my local quilt shop one day I came across some beautiful blue and white fabrics. My mother-in-law's favorite color is cobalt blue and when I saw this fabric sitting on the bolt I knew it would be perfect for her.

Pictured below is the fabric for each of the pillows.  There will be three sets of two pillows.  The main part of each set will have the same fabric but the accent and cuffs of each pillow will be different. 

I hope she loves them as much as I do!

Have a lovely day.


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