Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday Stash - Simple Marks Summer

I finally decided to bite the bullet and start trying to get a little more regular with my posting.  I have to start somewhere so I thought I would start with sharing my new stash additions on Sundays (as many of you already do).  For me this will be a good way to practice writing a post ahead of time and posting it on the day it is for.

Now onto the fabric.  This little guy is a mini charm pack (2.5" squares) of Simple Marks Summer from Moda.  I realize it is not the biggest addition to my stash, but I just love those little squares of fabric.  I like how you get all the fabric in a collection while not having to pay a ton of money for it.  I am considering using these in a paper piecing project but am still deciding.

What do you do with your mini charm packs?

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!



  1. What pretty, vibrant colours. I see HST's with grey....(I see HST's in everything haha!!!).

  2. Love those colors! Those mini's are perfect for paper piecing.
