Thursday, August 22, 2013

Green Cathedral Window Pillow

My mother's birthday is this month and I decided to make her a throw pillow.  While I was trying to decide sort of pattern I wanted to use it hit me, why not try making a cathedral window pillow?  I have always admired cathedral window blocks, but have been afraid to try them because they look quite hard to do.  Well let me tell you, they are not nearly as intimidating as they seem!

Since bright green is my mom's favorite color I decided to head that direction with the pillow.  The couches at my parent's house are a dark green leather with gold accents and I wanted the pillow to work with the furniture they have so I incorporated those colors into the pillow as well.  The overall result gives off kind of an autumn feel which I like since it is rapidly approaching. 

After successfully making nine blocks for a pillow I can tell you that there is no reason to fret over this beautiful block.  Is it a time consuming block?  Yes.  A tedious block?  A little bit.  A hard and super complicated block? No.

As for the actual pillow I should have this baby done in no time.  I just need to add borders and  a back and it will be finished!

Linking up with Kelly's Needle and Thread Thursday @  MyQuiltInfatuation

Thanks for stopping by!  I hope you are having a wonderful day!



  1. Wow! That will be a beautiful pillow! Nice job.

  2. It's looking great Elise. The colours you chose work well together, all the better that they are your mum's favourites!

  3. Your pillow is going to look wonderful sitting atop your mother's couch! 'Tis beautiful. The various greens with the plain border look very striking! Your mum is going to love this masterpiece!!

  4. Elise, your cathedral windows look fantastic! You know green is my favorite color and the darker green just gives the perfect contrast!

    Thanks for sharing at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation
