Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Non-sewing Week

This last week was me and my husband's 1st Anniversary.  We had a wonderful week and I was able to spend more time with him than usual - which led to very little sewing and thus not much to share on the stitching font.  Since I don't have any sewing pictures to share today, I thought I would share some of my favorite photos from my adventures.

For those of you who don't know, my husband is a corporate pilot.  I typically do most of my sewing when he is away on trips, but this week I was able to go with him on one of his trips.  I enjoy flying with him because I get to fly co-pilot in the cockpit as opposed to being stuck in the back. 

The trip out to our destination was interesting because we had to avoid some thunder storms.  The two pictures above were taken on the same flight.  The first photo is the view out of the right side of the plane, and you can see the thunder storm.  The second photo is from the left side of the plane, just some clouds and a beautiful sky.

Our flight back was very uneventful.  Such beautiful weather the whole way - couldn't ask for anything better!

As I mentioned earlier our 1st Anniversary was this week!  We were thrilled to finally eat the top tier of our cake and drink a nice bottle of wine that we had been saving since our wedding.  The cake kept surprisingly well and was a delicious reminder of our wedding day. 

The above photo is of what I like to call our light garden.  We used these little solar light to create walkways during our wedding and they were inside all winter and we pulled them out this spring to make sure they keep their charge.  They all just sort of got stuck in the ground, but make for a beautiful sight when walking up to our door. 

Thanks for reading and taking the time to get a little sneak peak into my life for the last week or so.  I am back to my regular schedule and will be posting about some projects I am working on soon!

Have a wonderful day!



  1. Elise, happy 1 year! How cool that you kept and enjoyed your cake together...what a wonderful memory of your day.

  2. Happy anniversary! What a great time to be able to share a flight. Love your cloud photos.

  3. Congratulations! Might be a quilt hiding in those cloud photos? :)
