Friday, September 27, 2013

Brick Road Baby Girl Quilt Finish

I have finally had some time to sew and finish that baby quilt I started a few weeks back.  I made it to test a variation of a pattern I am working on.  This pattern uses one charm pack and one mini charm pack, but can be done with just charm packs, or even a layer cake for a larger quilt.
Thanks to my wonderful husband for gracefully holding up the quilt so I could photograph it.

I quilted it simply using straight lines on either side of the colored rectangles.   I wanted the pattern to be simple to make and simple to quilt, so I (or anyone using the pattern) could make them easily and quickly, even with little experience. 

I have always dreamed of being able to sell some of my quilts and with this pattern it seems to be a possibility.  This quilt is currently for sale in my Etsy Shop listed here.

I am linking up with Cherry Valley Designs for Thank Goodness it's Finished Friday.

Thanks for reading!  I hope you are having a fantastic weekend. 



  1. Oh Elise, it's beautiful! Love me some rainbow goodness!

  2. Love this Elise! It's such a simple, yet pretty quilt!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  3. The bright colors are so happy looking! Great job!

    Thank you for linking up with TGIFF!

    Have a great weekend! :) Megan @ Cherry Valley Designs

  4. Your quilt sings with colour and pattern and happiness!! It is so pretty!!

  5. Oh my! This quilt makes me smile - soooo pretty and happy! Lovely.

  6. Very pretty. It has a lovely feel to it.

  7. Congrats on such a lovely finish, Elise! The quilting is just right. Glad to see her completed! Good luck in your sales! I'm on my way to visit your shop now. Put the kettle on!
