Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Blue and Grey Quilt Update and a Vacation

Life has been crazy lately.  I am leaving to go on vacation to the Caribbean tomorrow and I have had a lot to do before I left (I will share that with you when I get back and have a little more time!).

For now I will share my progress on the Grey and Blue Quilt.  I am just loving how this pattern is working out, even better than I planned it.  The blue really pops and I think the grey compliments it so nicely.  See I told you I was actually using some of those greys.

Since I am going on vacation I will not be blogging until I get back.  I will be away until the beginning of next month enjoying the island life with my husband and his wonderful family. 

Photo by Sun Lea of Lea Tribe

Enjoy the rest of your October.  See you in September!



  1. Hmmm... I wonder if the anticipation of the trip to the Caribbean was what inspired your Grey and Blue quilt? Those blocks are looking fabulous! Have a safe and happy trip. See you in November. That is unless you are going to be gone for 11 months! Ha, ha!

  2. Love the quilt! Love seeing you guys here. Autumn loves her dresses, and has baptized them both with all her wonderful baby slobber.
