Monday, November 4, 2013

Back from Vaction! (Warning Lots of Pictures)

We are finally back from vacation and trying to settle back into the swing of things around here.  We had a wonderful time traveling and seeing family and I can't wait until the next trip to see them again.  For those of you who are interested here is a short rundown of our trip...

To get to the Caribbean from where we live we had to overnight somewhere and that somewhere ended up being New York.  I had never been there so we decided to go downtown, walk around, and see the sights.

As you can see our time in New York started as all good vacations should...with a mountain of food in times square.  From there we slowly made our way through Times Square and down Broadway Street to the the Rodgers + Hammerstein Theater to watch Cinderella on Broadway (unfortunately pictures are not allowed inside the theater).  It was a great show, funny with a twist on a classic story.

After our day in New York we headed to the Caribbean and was greeted with this beautiful sunset on the first day in Montserrat.

Hilltop Family Center and Coffee House View
A Day at the Beach with the Nephews
Kayaking to a Private Beach
Fox's Bay - Our Private Beach for the day

Road to a Beach
Mother and Father in Law (and Pepper the dog) walking along the cliffs above the beach
Climbing down to the beach a harder way because the easy way was blocked by waves that day.
Me and my brother in law Noah.
Noah through a hole in some rocks.
My Husband Jesse on some drift wood.
On our way back from Montserrat we had to overnight somewhere again, but this time it was Miami.  We had about a day and a half to kill so we wandered around saw the sights and relaxed on the beach downtown.

A little beach in the Port of Miami
Eating at the Hard Rock Cafe on the water in the Port of Miami.
I am very blessed to have had this opportunity to relax and enjoy warm weather.  Vacation is always a wonderful thing and we had a fantastic time with family and friends.  I believe everyone needs some time now and then to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and do something relaxing. 

I will share more this week on the projects I made for my family down there!

Hope you are having a wonderful week.



  1. That's quite a holiday, from big city to relaxed island lifestyle and then to Miami and home. It seems that the more variety and changes you have while away, the more refreshing and inspiring your time is. To visit family as well is extra special. Looking forward to seeing more....

  2. Came across your blog through a friend's blog (Making Rebecca Lynne) and enjoyed your pictures of Montserrat - my husband and I had our honeymoon there in 1989. Such a beautiful island!!

    1. So glad you stopped over! Montserrat is certainly a beautiful place and different place - very different from so many other Caribbean islands people visit now days. I bet you had a fantastic honeymoon!
