Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sewing with Certainty Link Up Week 1

Today I was going through newly written blog posts and came across a linky party for Sewing with Certainty. It is a series written by Jessica of Quilty Habit all about gaining confidence in a crafting/ sewing area.
Coming in November!

When I saw this party I decided I wanted to join and I immediately knew what area I would like to gain so confidence in – Pattern writing. I have no problem coming up with ideas for patterns and testing them out in fabric form to make a quilt. Usually they work out with minimal mistakes, especially since I am not afraid make changes as I go. My lack of confidence lies in the area of writing the actual pattern.

In my opinion the best example of designing my own pattern and creating it - but not writing it
I can be a perfectionist and I want my patterns to be perfect – the problem is I have never actually written a pattern before so I keep putting it off writing in a notebook, recalculating measurements, retesting the pattern, rechecking fabric requirements, etc. I literally have 2 notebooks 3 patterns, and at least three extra sheets of paper with notes on them sitting in front of me right now that I am using to write one pattern.

An example of a quilt I would like to write a pattern for... (I started writing it but never finished)
I am always afraid to start on a project, I seem to lack confidence at the beginning – it had always been that way for me. Even in art school when I would do drawings I would always start slow but finish strong – heck even my professor noticed this trend of mine, but it always worked for me. This blog is another good example – I was very slow to build it and get it going because I wanted it to be perfect before I released it to the world.

Another original pattern - A Black Tie Affair
Luckily while I may lack confidence sometimes, I do usually have enough common sense to realize that things are never “perfect”. Perfect implies faultlessness and flawlessness – and lets be realistic when we are creating we don’t want to be afraid of making mistakes because something might end up "imperfect" or with a tiny flaw only notice by no one but yourself.

A block I would love to write directions for one day
 To sum up my long story - I would like to become more confident in pattern writing.  One other area I would like to gain more confidence is free motion quilting.  I enjoy being able to create quilts from start to finish all by myself and being confident to do different FMQ techniques would be wonderful!  My goal by the end up the series is to have a least two patterns fully written and available and to hve learned more about FMQ!

What areas do you want more confidence in?

Hope you are having a wonderful and relaxing Sunday!



  1. Hi, Elise! I look forward to following along with you during Jessica's SWC series. It's funny to read your first goal post - I *just* yesterday bought an ebook about starting an online sewing pattern business. Maybe not exactly what you're aiming to do, but here's the link if you wat to take a look!

    1. I look forward to following along with you too! I checked out the book and the post about it. Interesting comments she had to make about selling patterns vs selling an actual item. Thanks for the link!

  2. P.S. LOVE the brown/blue quilt with white sashing - good luck with getting its pattern written! : )

    1. Thank you so much! I hope to have one finished here soon (a different pattern) and then maybe I will move onto that one!

  3. Great goals! I will definitely be following your progress with writing patterns because I don't really know where to start myself! Your bowtie quilt is fab :) Thanks so much for linking up!!

  4. I'd like you to be more confident too! I love all of those and would be interested in patterns. :) I bet you'll get there. If you try and need an edit, ping me anytime.

  5. Glad to see you joining in the linky, Elise! Your designs are awesome. And yes.... writing patterns is hard. If you ever want someone to read them through, I'm with Susan.... And I would be willing to help!

  6. Half the battle is defining your goals which you have done here very clearly.

  7. I bet you can accomplish anything you set your mind to? you have great designs and writing the patterns up to share with others would be a good thing!!

  8. These are wonderful designs! I, too, sometimes get hung up on the idea of writing the patterns. How about creating an original design and submitting it to a magazine? They do most of the pattern writing for you and they are always looking for unique ideas!
