Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sewing with Certainty - Perfection (or A Lack There Of)

The most recent topic for the sewing with certainty series is perfection. I think perfection is a great topic to talk about because I think as human beings it is something we all struggle with in some way or another.
Angel Ornaments - I love the one on the left (white dress) but the wings on the other two angels are a little off...
For me the fear of a project turning out less than perfect really hits me at the beginning. Even when I was in art school I remember doing drawings for class I would start slowly, always a little behind the rest of my class, but once I really started to feel my project and gain confidence I kept a strong momentum going to the finish.

A Quilt I am working on - A few of the points are a little off but it is only noticeable up close. 
As a quilter I still struggle with this fear and problem. The fear that there will be something wrong with my project in some way or another, or the fear that I won’t be able to accomplish something.  I struggle to convince myself to start a project because what if it doesn't turn out like I wanted to. 

Luckily I have learned that sometimes things just won’t be exactly how you plan them to be but they can still be perfect. Many of the problems and issues we see as quilters are so small that only we see them – and usually it is when our noses are 5” from touching our quilts.

A darn near perfect seam on the same quilt - you can always find small mistakes, but only you will care...
Back before I started quilting I hear a story about the Amish and their quilts (if it a true story or not I am not sure, but the lesson and take away is still a good one). Those quilts are always beautifully done and incredibly quilted by hand and one would assume that they strive for their quilts to be perfect, BUT they purposely put a few flaws in their quilts because they say nothing is perfect except God.

The term “Perfect” is an unrealistic standard that many of us try to achieve. I am not saying that we shouldn’t strive for the best and try to be the best, I am just saying that things can be beautiful and wonderful no matter the flaws.

Linking up with the Sewing with Certainty Series @ A Quilty Habit

November 2013 - February 2014!

Sorry for the minimal posts lately.  The holidays and Christmas are always a busy time for me (as for many you you too!).  More to post about soon!

Hope you are having a wonderful December!



  1. Your story reminds me of the "humility blocks" of some old quilts. Love your angels - they are gorgeous! I was paying more attention to their differing facial expressions than their wings. Perfection is an issue. I try to find the balance between aiming for perfection while still enjoying the process. I'm happy to compromise on perfection to an extent to enjoy the process more. Making the quilt has to be fun too.

  2. I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment! And I think I'm going to love that quilt when you show off the finished piece - the blue with the greys are wonderful!
