Wednesday, December 11, 2013

WIP Wednesday - A Tree Skirt Filled with Trouble

 Ever have one of those projects that everything seems to go wrong with?  Well I have recently been having this issue with this tree skirt.

This tree skirt is is collaboration between my grandmother, mother and me.  It is for my grandma and she picked out the fabrics, my mom sewed the top together, and I am sandwiching, quilting and binding it. 
Second basting of the tree skirt.
The whole mess started two days ago when I started the quilting process.  I got a fair amount done (close to a quarter) when the backing started to pucker and fold.  I ended up having to rip all the stitching out and re-baste it.  This I used both basting spray and pins whereas the other day I only used pins. 

Once I finally got the back fixed I started to have problems with my machine puckering the thread and it getting caught in itself on the back.  I tried everything to fix the problem: re-threading the sewing machine top thread and bobbin thread (multiple times); cleaning out the bobbin casing, sensors and cutter; replacing the needle; rewinding the bobbin thread; switching feet from a dual feed foot to a regular foot - and nothing seemed to work.

Only some of the thread pulled out of the tree skirt.
Finally I got so frustrated that I called the store where I had bought the machine and explained my problem.  The wonderful woman on the phone said I had done everything she would recommend and that before I bring it in to try switching thread although it was a long shot - and you know what?  IT WORKED!  I worked on the skirt until I ran out of thread which is an easy problem to fix - I'll pick some more up at work on Sat since the high around here lately has been sitting around -1˚ F (-18˚ C) and I don't want to leave the house unless absolutely necessary.

One of two broken needles and more screw ups...
Unfortunately after the tree skirt my sewing machine and I had a few more run-ins 2 broken needles and a bobbin winding incident (but the thread was definitely my fault).  Don't get me wrong I adore my machine I have just had a frustrating sewing week thus far - and for an odd reason like a spool of thread my machine didn't like.
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
Fortunately things have turned around and my machine and I are friends again.  I wish you the best of luck in your sewing this week!

Linking up with WIP Wednesday @ Freshly Pieced



  1. Your pieced Christmas tree skirt is lovely! I have had quilting issues before too and found that after trying everything else, that my machine is happiest with one certain brand of thread so that is all I use now.

  2. It's so pretty!

    Sorry you had those troubles. Its the worst when the machine/thread/bobbin/needles just wont corporate. I'm so glad it was just a bad spool of thread - bad machines are no good! :)

  3. I made the same tree squirt for my daughter! It was easy to put together, but the quilting was hard. I'm sorry you had those icky little nests to undo.
