Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I Learned to Meander!

Just a quick update on the pillowcases.  I need to go finish them and get them in the mail but I am so thrilled with my progress I just had to share.

When I was contacted about making these pillowcases I was asked if i could mimic the quilting on the bed quilt these were being made to match (a photo was sent so I could see it).  It was a meandering pattern, which many quilters are fond of, but it always intimidated me so I have never tried it.  Well I agreed that I would try to match it and I think I did a pretty good job!

I started by meandering on a piece of paper because I figured if i could draw it I could quilt it.  Mission Accomplished.  I then proceeded to test it on two scraps of fabric - those also went well, so I bit the bullet and just started quilting the main panel of the pillowcases.

I am quite proud of the results and will be using this technique on one of my WIP's I want to finish.  What about you?  Have you tried any new quilting techniques lately?

Hope you are enjoying your day!



  1. Good job! It looks great, especially for a first time! I tried two new things yesterday: fmq with 28wt thread and with 12wh thread. Both very pretty, but the 12wt thread is tricky and broke several times, and it is slow! But so gorgeous.

  2. Looks fantastic! I'm learning the basics of FMQ right now. I don't know why I've let it intimidate me for the past year, but I have. Anyway, 2014 is the year of FMQ for me. 8-)

  3. Your quilting looks great and I love how the star just pops! Lovely!


  4. Your meandering is great! I'm still learning to FMQ and I really enjoy it but the one time I tried the meandering, I hated it. It seemed to take forever and it really frustrated me. Even straight line quilting seems to go faster.

  5. Elise, it is wonderful! I have been bitten by the FMQ-bug in 2013 and I love trying out new patterns. Your pieced star is absoluetly gorgeous!

    1. Thanks Esther!

      I loved trying a new method of FMQ. I was intimidated at first but found that it wasn't that bad. I appreciate your encouragement!

  6. I love a good meander! And the colour wheel effect of your piecing is lovely! I haven't been free motion quilting too much lately, but looking at your work, it makes me want to!

  7. Fantastic! I plan on trying more free motion quilting this year. Gorgeous!

  8. Beautiful pillowcases!!!! I always draw mine out first too and that helps significantly. I have braved through many quilting designs this way!

  9. Great job! I love the star on the pillowcase too.

  10. Congratulations! What are you going to meander next??

  11. This is so pretty! Thanks for sharing. I quilted an extra large meander for the first time. It was a little harder to keep myself from making it more dense.

  12. I absolutely LOVE this star Elise! The colors are so gorgeous against the white, and your FMQ looks great! I've been practicing some spirals on scraps, but they haven't quite made it to a quilt yet. The great thing about stippling is that once you get a good feel for it, it is so relaxing (for me anyway!).

    Thanks so much for sharing at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  13. That's exactly how I first worked on stippling/meandering quilting, although it was my first quilt, the borders of a Moda Bakeshop Baby Pinwheel quilt. It's great to have learned a new technique and enjoyed it.

  14. Omgoodness, I love this blog. I've got to add this to my to do list. It's so bold but the solid backgrounds keep it peaceful and comforting. Love it.

  15. I think your block is outstanding! I do some limited meandering. I got tired of paying so much to have my "utility" quilts done by someone else. I decided that I'd love to have them done by someone else when they are a gift or special for some other reason. On the rest, I meander! I'm trying to improve my quilting by using Leah Day's book and blog.
