Thursday, May 15, 2014

Pattern Testers Wanted!

The newest pattern I am working on - I need testers!
Edit: I have closed submissions for now as I have received  a suffiecient amoutn of testers.   If I need more testers in the fututre I will open applications back up and inform you with a new post! Thanks to all those who submitted I will be contacting you shortly. 

After writing my first pattern a few months ago I am hooked!  I have come up with a few other patterns some are almost fully written others are in the works, but I need some new eyes to help me test the patterns.  Are you interested in becoming a pattern tester for me?  If so read a little more below.

Requirements for testers:
  1. Agree to the terms and conditions outlined on the Sign-up form.
  2. Point out any errors found in the directions such as measurements, fabric requirements, wording, etc. as well as any directions that are unclear.
  3. Finish the quilt top in the time designated and if you are unable to do so let me know ASAP. (Please note that only the quilt top needs to be finished not the entire quilt)
  4. If you are asked to make a particular pattern and opt not to make that one please let me know why you do not want to make it.  Maybe you don’t have time right now, or maybe you don’t like the style (tell me specifics).  I want to know why so I don’t waste my time creating a pattern that won’t sell. 
  5. Send me a photo of the finished quilt – I will ask if you want it published but I want to see variations of my pattern.

There is no compensation for testing a pattern except my gratitude and a copy of the finished pattern. I will also publicly acknowledge your help on my blog (unless you opt not to).  The project made from testing the pattern is yours to keep.

Please note:
Not everyone who applies to be a tester will be chosen to test every quilt.  It will be based on an as needed basis chosen by me.

It is up to each tester to acquire or purchase the necessary materials as they will not be supplied, but you are free to make the pattern in whatever color scheme and fabrics you choose.  All I ask is that you please stick to quilting cottons or fabrics typically used in quilting (unless otherwise specified).

If you decide that you no longer want to be a pattern tester please email me and let me know so I can remove you from my list.  I also reserve the right to remove any tester for any reason but I will notify you of my decision via email – if for some reason this happens please do not take it personally there are many reasons that someone may no longer be a good fit.  

If after all that you are still interested in testing patterns go fill out my sign-up form and  I will let you know if you have been accepted!   

If you have any questions please feel free to ask.  Thank you for all your help!  


*Please note that I am looking for testers in general not just for the medallion quilt.   The medallion is just the pattern I am currently working on.


  1. Very cool! Congratulations to you!

    I generally don't have time to make things for testings, but I'm always happy to read through if you need it. :)

  2. Elise, what I see of your work here is wonderful. I am willing to give this a try! I will fill out the form for you!

  3. I have to tell you, I love this quilt! I have a bunch of hand dyed fabric that I think I am going to cut up to use for it (along with some low volume background fabric). I wish I could test for you, but I don't know if I would have the time :( So, can't wait until the pattern is done! Good luck!
