Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Milkyway Medallion Version 2

Milky Way Medallion #2 Center

I seem to have sewing ADD lately.  I have all these ideas floating in my brain and soon as one becomes somewhat refined useable idea I have the urge to drop everything else I am working on and start working on something new.  Apparently I do have some sense though because instead of doing that that I decided it is important to get a few things on my WIP list done first, starting with another version of my Medallion Quilt.

I needed to make the quilt again because the first time around I wasn't planning on making it into a pattern, so I didn't record my process, measurements or anything really. This time around I am  writing down my process, checking my numbers, and testing how the pattern will look with a completely different set of fabrics.  

The fabrics I am using this time are yellows greens and teals and the background is a couple shades of grey and black shot cottons.   I hope to have more done soon!



  1. LOL....I always have sewing ADD. There is not a single day where I don't have at least two (usually 3 or 4) tops being pieced at the same time. I prepare a step on all of them then sew then prepare the next step. I love your medallion. Can't wait to see more.

    1. Wow sounds like you have a method down for your sewing ADD lol. I like having multiple projects in different stages because that way when i get frustrated on a section of one I can go work on a completely different section of another.

  2. Now this medallion is fabulous. Paper pieced? I think that even I would try to complete this! And that is saying something as I usual do not do paper piecing. I am so impressed!!!

  3. Beautiful colors--they really pop! Sewing ADD ... so THAT'S what you call it. I "suffer" from the same condition, but it's a fun affliction!

    1. Thank you so much this quilt was fun the first time around and i think i am liking it even better the second! Glad to see i am not the only one :-) It seems a lot of us are suffering from that affliction lately lol.

  4. Sewing ADD - check! I think you'll find we all are going to relate to that! :) The color combination is great; I especially like the subtle two town background. Is this a paper piecing method or just trimmed or... so, yeah, I am totally interested in the pattern!

  5. That's a lovely start. I really like the varied black/grey background. I think combining tones like that makes the quilt much more interesting than a single color. I can't wait to see where it goes next!

  6. It's looking great! Your colour combinations are wonderful. Pattern making must take a lot of precise details to complete accurately.

  7. A beautiful start! I love the bright colours against the dark background.

  8. Love your colors ~ especially with the black background! Gorgeous!!

  9. Glad to hear you are working on another pattern, Elise. Your fabric choices.... yum-m-m-y!
