Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Custom Bow Tie Quilt Blocks

I am currently taking a break from my unnamed blue, teal and white quilt and am working hard on my commission quilt. As you can see above I now have all the blocks pieces complete and am in the process of turning them into finished bow tie blocks. 

For this quilt I also made the decision to paper piece my blocks.  I wanted my blocks to be perfect and all exactly the same size and with paper piecing you never have to worry.  I drew up a quick template in Illustrator (which I may share if anyone is interested in making their own bow ties) and now I have perfectly even blocks with beautifully straight seams - perfect for a custom ordered quilt. 

I am now off to get some more work done on this quilt!  Hope to share more soon.


  1. Those look so lovely and crisp! :)

  2. Ohhh those look wonderful. I would love to have the pattern, I think they would make a really cool table runner.
