Monday, September 22, 2014

Around the World Blog Hop

It finally happened... I was tagged in the Around the World Blog Hop by the lovely Katie at Karma Willow Creations. We "met" (online through blogland) when she signed up to be a pattern tester for me, and you should see her gorgeous work!  He quilting style is very different than mine, but I love seeing the way she interprets my patterns, and find her work to be very inspiring. 

So now I am supposed to answer the following questions:

1. What am I working on?
Currently I am working on a few different quilts (aren't we all?), but I have been working on making a dent in my WIP list as well as starting a new quilt for my husband.

The new quilt is my first attempt at hand applique and is a beast of a challenge. I am currently calling it the Tribal Shark Quilt but also refer to it as the Manly Man Quilt, because what is manlier than a shark quilt? - Maybe tribal tattoo inspired hammerhead shark quilt but the jury is still out on that one.  (More on this quilt later in the week)

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?
Always a hard question to answer, but I suppose my work differs because I almost never use someone else’s patterns. I appreciate patterns made by others for what they are, and I find them to be a great learning tool when trying to master a new skill. That being said, I prefer the challenge of designing my own quilts and figuring out how to make an idea into reality.

3. Why do I write/create what I do?
Originally quilting was something to do. In a way it was just an activity to fill the time while my husband was away on trips (he is a pilot). Now, it has turned into so much more than that. I write and create because it brings me joy, it is a constructive use of time, and I believe it is a blessing God gave me and it is my duty to share that blessing with others.

4. How does my writing/creating process work?
My creative process is a little less actual process, and a little more flying by the seat of my pants, lets hope for the best, kind of process. I tend to start out with an idea (usually thought up in the middle of the night when I am lying in bed unable to sleep), and that idea typically turns into a sketch. Occasionally that sketch gets a little more detailed with proper measurements and whatnot, but usually it just turns into a quilt partly through magic, partly through frustration and hard work.

So that was a little bit more about Lovelea Designs and my current creative endeavors.  Thanks again to Katie for nominating me. Those nominated are supposed to nominate three others, but I decided to do two. So I nominate the following:
  1. Karen at Pieces of Contentment – she is one of the nicest people you will ever meet (even if it is just on the internet) and her work is amazing. She is currently finishing up an EPP project that is just to die for and her recent panel quilts are brilliant.
  2. Susan at the Bored Zombie – I have seen her be nominated before, but I never saw her post, so I am nominating her again. She is also a wonderful person (encouraging, helpful, inspiring) and she shares more art than just quilting on her blog. If you are a fan of classic Nintendo, or other geekery (her word not mine) you will love her blog!
Hopefully they will participate, so look for their posts next Monday September 29th.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. aww. I heart you too! :)

    Thanks so much for the bloggy love. I'm finally moving at a normal pace now that I'm done traveling so much which means I can play. I'll post next Monday. :)
