Friday, September 26, 2014

Rainbow Ombre Flying Geese Quilt Finished!

Rainbow Triangle Quilt

I have finally finished my rainbow ombre flying geese quilt that I have been working on since 2012.  To make a long story short (you can read my origional post here for more info) I was a newbie quilter on a mission to make a queen sized quilt using my itty bitty sewing machine.  Lets just say I finished the top and attempted to quilt the quilt, but at the time my machine only had about a 5" throat and I was unable to get the entire thing in there.  I then decided that the best thing would be to rip out the stitches and hand quilt it because I refuse to pay someone else to do it, and how long could that really take...

Well almost three years later the quilt is finally finished!  The entire thing contains only 4 fabrics: 2 ombre fabrics, some Kona charcoal, and the backing fabric.  All the flying geese are made using the one seam method, which makes for fast piecing and a 3-D effect, but uses more fabric.

This sucker was a beast to photograph.  It is huge (just under 90" x 108") and it took two wonderful helpers (my husband and father) holding it sideways to get a good head on photograph of it. Otherwise it was so heavy that it needed to be draped or laid on the ground for proper photos.

Single Seam Geese have a hidden seam down the middle leaving the sides free.

As big of a pain as it was to photograph it was even a bigger pain to quilt. There are 682 separate quilted spots (each one had to be started and stopped) and a total of 14 different thread colors that coordinated with the fabrics.  In between the flying geese I quilted triangles and on the edges I did three different kinds of triangles to better fit the edges of the design.

Besides the quilting I think the binding is my other favorite parts of the quilt, because I love how it just makes the whole thing pop and helps the quilting stand out a little more on the back.  

Now that this quilt is finished I have no idea what to do with it.  I originally wanted it on a guest bed, but now that it is finished I think it is a little to bright.  I have considered selling it (but I feel like it has too many mistakes, and it might disappoint a buyer), and I have considered giving it away to someone (but it needs to go to the right person who would really appreciate it).  So for now it is just being admired in my sewing room while it awaits its final destination. 

Another finish marked off the WIP list!  Thanks for reading.


  1. What an amazing design and quilt! I love the depth of the piecing, and your quilting is outstanding! Whatever you end up doing with it, it's a beautiful quilt!

  2. Wow, it looks amazing! And so much work both on the machine and then hand quilting. The ombre fabric is beautiful. I hope you end up very pleased with its final destination.

  3. Yes it is simply beautiful. Great hand quilting.


  4. Wow this is amazing and beautiful, thanks for sharing!!!

  5. Your quilt is stunning! Pinning! I have never finished the first quilt I started... it was to be a king size mini pinwheel quilt and I, too, only had a little sewing machine. I think you have may inspired me to dig out those pieces!

  6. Wow! that looks great! congrats on finishing it!

  7. Beautiful!! Thanks Elise for sharing at TGIFF Linky Party!

  8. Congrats on your Great, Big Finish! Such a gorgeous quilt... the design is amazing and the quilting is beautiful. Well done!

  9. Holy Moly! That's amazing. Like really truly OMG amazing. I'm sure I would have abandoned it long before I finished it. Yes, it very much deserved to be very loved.

    Side quest: Why do we always start with such HUGE quilts?? :)

    Congratulations on the big finish!

  10. Oh man. It's amazing. Amazing, amazing, amazing!!!!!!

  11. Stunning stunning stunning! You are amazing! I can't believe you did all that handwork, what a super job you have done, it is an amazing quilt! Enjoy it!

  12. Wow, this is WONDERFUL! It's a beauty for sure :)

  13. Your color pallet totally makes this quilt wonderful!
