Wednesday, November 5, 2014

WIP Wednesday - Low Volume Progress - Opinions Needed

I currently have all my low volume fabrics cut and my blocks made and trimmed but I am stuck on the layout.  I originally drew up a design in Illustrator and loved it, but when I went to figure out placement on my design wall I was less than enthusiastic about it. 

Now here is the part where I need your help.  Since I wasn't sure about the original design I did some rearranging and came up with a second design.  I am not sure if it is the fabrics that I am not liking (maybe because it is out of my comfort zone), or the arrangement, but I need some advice. 

The picture above is the original design I came up with.  I felt like this would be a great design if the colors were a little bolder, but it just seems like a blob of neutral to me right now. 

Below is my second design.  I changed the pattern to make the acutal design more apparent, but I am still not sure if I am satisfied. 

I am still leaning towards my original design, but maybe just modify the fabrics slightly.  I bought a few extra fabrics today to try throwing in the quilt, because I thought maybe having a bit more variety would make me like it better. 

What do you think.  Is the original design too messy and unreadable, or does it just need some minor tweaking?  Or do you like the second design better?

Suggestions welcome!



  1. Oh, man - that's a tough call! I'm almost more drawn to the first one because it's a little outside of my symmetrical comfort zone. I keep going back to look at that because the way the color/blocks are arranged it seems to have more movement. Good luck - they both look good!

  2. I am leaning toward the first layout although I might try to see what it would look like if the darker fabrics formed a 'v' shape with all of them going in the same direction. see the one that you have that is pale peach/orange outside edge with a green in the center on top. Or use the look you have where it the purple and green darker points meet. I am a no-reply blogger but you can reach me at Good luck - I am sure the quilt will be wonderful no matter which layout you choose.

  3. First one!!! Sherbert goodness in this layout! What I really like about low volume is that they blend, but they don't - ya know?! And I think this blending/not blending aesthetic is more evident in the first layout and makes it really soft and pretty. Go with your gut.

  4. Definitely the first one. The colors are lovely, and the layout is much more interesting and unpredictable than the second version.

  5. I agree with the others... definietly the first one! There's a real movement "thingie" going on, and it's looking very pretty! Linda

  6. I like the first one, too-- and you can draw the eye to specific parts if you want with the quilting.

  7. Tricky question. With the light coloured fabrics you are using I'm inclined to lean towards your first layout. It's more like tinkling glass rather than flat.

  8. I like the messy-ness of the first design! Its gorgeous, the way the colors ebb & flow!

  9. I like the first design best. Very pretty!

  10. In the minority but the second one has more 'clarity'. Maybe because there is not enough distinction between the low volume and pastels... I love the brighter modern color combos that are current and have fun using them but I am not afraid of the pastels as so many seem to be. Maybe because I am 'old' and remember a time before modern quilting and the variety of fabrics we now have available. If you can't bear to keep it when it is finished I could give it a good home, just sayin. ; ) Cindy

  11. I like both... but prefer the second cause it is much more harmonic. But doesn't matter what you choose - it's great work in any case. Kind regards from Germany, Annett

  12. I like the first one, the ebb and flow is appealing. I think once you quilt it you can define areas to stand out more.

  13. They are both lovely! The first one is so random but still has such pleasing eye appeal. The second one is more orderly yet still very appealing from a traditional perspective. It's your quilt, so just decide what type of statement you desire to make and produce it knowing that your fabrics look fabulous with both designs.

  14. I am used to choosing bright solids... So this is a tough one! Both are really sweet designs, but if I had to chose.... I'd say I like the second one better. Those are some really lovely, soft prints!
