Thursday, January 1, 2015

Ringing in the New Year - Goals for 2015

I am finally back after an extended absence on my blog.  We have been on vacation in the Caribbean for the last three weeks visiting my husbands family for Christmas.  We had a wonderful time, but now we are trying to get into the swing of things. So to start the year off I wanted to share a few of my goals for 2015

Goals for 2015 in no particular order

Sewing Goals:

1) Write more patterns:  I would like to have a total of 10 patterns for sale by the end of the year (I currently have 3, so that would be 7 more pattens this year - a little ambitious, but what is the point of making goals, if they aren't hard)

2) Learn to tailor clothes - I have so many clothes that I like, but they just don't fit quite right.  I would love to be able to adjust them for a perfect fit.

3) Make more clothes - this goes hand in hand with my previous goal, but I would love to be able to make my own clothes (and have them actually fit).

4) Get published in a magazine - I have never submitted an idea or a quilt as I am a little intimidated by the process, but I would love to have at least quilt in a magazine. 

Blogging Goals:

1) Post more - I said this last year, and I will say it again, I need to work on posting more often.  Scheduling ahead, doing a series, whatever.

2) Build myself a website.  I would love to switch away from blogger for a few reasons, but I mostly want to have a proper website/blog.

Personal goals:

1)  Be the best wife I can to my husband - My husband works so hard to take care of me and make me happy, I want to make sure he is being treated the way he deserves (all the time, even if I am having a bad day). 

2) Draw more - I went to art school for 2 years and used to love drawing, but I got out of practice and lost some of my confidence.  I would love to get better and try to work towards creating a fabric line.

3) Draw closer to God - Read/study the bible more, pray more, etc.  Just try to develop my relationship with the Lord even more.

1 comment:

  1. The new year is always an opportunity to start fresh in our lives. Especially if it will benefit you, your business, and your financial well-being. And the best way to do this is through making goals, as it will serve as your guide for the rest of the year. And looking at your goals, there’s no doubt that you’ll have a wonderful and productive year ahead of you. But in all of your goals, I think the sewing part and building a website are the things that will take time before you fully accomplish them. This is because they will both need thorough planning, so you can come up with a design that can appeal your viewers and hopefully engage them to be your clients.

    Forrest Bates @ Brand Marketing
