Thursday, March 26, 2015

Cotton Candy Quilt Top Finished

I first wrote about this quilt top in November, but it got left forgotten in a pile after a vacation and two quilt commissions - but no more!  I finally got my butt in gear this last week and finished piecing all the block and sewing them into this top. 

This quilt was an experiment for me as it was originally a completely low volume quilt.  After having the blocks up on my design wall I decided I wanted a little more contrast in the quilt so I added in one fabric to each color group (i.e. instead of having only fabrics in a section there is now three - three yellow fabrics, three green fabrics, three pink fabrics etc.).   

The finished top measures about 60" square and I am debating on how I should quilt it - either an all over meaner or working inside the shapes to help make the pattern more pronounced.  After changing the top and looking back on the original I keep going back and forth as to which layout I like better. 

**Oh crap moment... While staring at the above picture, I just noticed that I sewed one of the rows on upside down and now I must go fix that issue**

More soon!


  1. WOW - this is soooo gorgeous! I think that top photo really shows us best the subtlety of the color, with the stark winter trees contrasting against it so strongly. Well done!

    And I can't, for the life of me, figure out which row is on upside down!! lol :)

  2. Looking good, looking good. I can't see which row is upside down either.

  3. I've had a moment like that -- uploading the photo to the blog, and then realizing that it doesn't look quite right. Good thing it wasn't already quilted. Though I must admit, I'm with Amy and Karen; I can't see the problem in your top.

  4. This is simply lovely. Stop second-guessing yourself! (Not that I don't do it all the time but...) Really: simply lovely.

  5. My what a gorgeous quilt with so many beautiful shades of the different colors! Very pleasing to the eye, for certain.
