Wednesday, April 15, 2015

WIP Wednesday - Shark Quilt Progress

I am slowly making progress on the tribal shark quilt I started months ago for my husband Jesse.  Jesse likes to call this quilt "Shark Quilt Ooh Ha Ha!" - to be sung like the shark bait ooh ha ha! scene from Finding Nemo - if you haven't seen it here is a clip of the scene where he gets the name.  I kind of love that he named it that and we giggle about the name every time we say it.

When I had last shown progress on this quilt I had just finished the shark and was deciding what to do next.   I decided the first border should be an angled border with various blacks, greys and blues to add a little more variety into the quilt and then I was unsure again.

Since the quilt is for Jesse I asked him what he wanted for the quilt and he suggested that he would like a tribal barbed wire border.  I knew it would be a ton of work but no one deserves a quilt with so much time put into it more than him so I agreed and proceeded on the border. 

I am currently finished with almost three of the four borders (minus the corners) and already have the rest of the quilt planned out.  Hopefully I will have the rest of the border appliqued in the next few weeks and can finish the quilt.

Thanks for reading!

Linking up with: 
WIP Wednesday
Lets be social
Needle and Thread Thursday
Fabric Frenzy Friday


  1. That looks wonderful. I love the addition of the triangles and the traditional barbed wire. How did you do the barbed wire border? Is it reverse applique? Since blogspot and wordpress don't work well together and I may show up as no reply, my email is phoenix6822 at gmail.

  2. This is such a man quilt, a special one of a kind for Jesse. Like Quilt Musings above, you have me curious as to the construction/details of the barbed wire border.

  3. wow, that really is a work of art! That border looks fantastic!
