Monday, February 18, 2013

A Flying Geese WIP

This quilt was become one of those projects that just never seems to get finished.  I started probably close to a year ago and then just got frustrated with it so I put it in the closet with all my other unfinished quilts and there it sat while I tired to figure out how to make it work.  

It all started with those two beautiful fabrics that fade from one color to the next.  I found that if I placed the purple of the cool colored one next to the pink of the warmer toned one they flowed seamlessly from one fabric to the other.   The background fabric is Charcoal kona Cotton.

The problem with this quilt was not the piecing of the geese but the quilting itself.  This quilt is a queen sized quilt, which is a size I have machined quilted before, but I was using  my mother’s machine at the time which has a deeper throat than mine.  I did not take that into account when I first started to quilt – which is a mistake I will only make once.  Naturally before I came to this revelation I had already done a great deal of stitching, but isn’t that just the way it goes sometimes. 

So all that stitching pictured above along with more that you cannot see had to be removed from the quilt and then I had to figure out another way of quilting it.  By this point I was just frustrated so the quilted was folded up and set aside until I got the motivation to finish it.  

Well I finally got the motivation - months later I might add - and have been slowly hand quilting this sucker with coordinating embroidery floss.  It is a slow prcess but i love how it is turning out.  

I'll post more as I get more done!  Thanks for looking.


Elise Lea

1 comment:

  1. I can SO relate to your quilting dilemma and also the times where I left it for weeks or even months until I had motivation, time and space to keep going.
    I love the colours you are working with and the hand quilting is looking just right. I'm yet to start quilting mine but at least I finished the basting yesterday and removed the quilt from the floor.
