Saturday, July 13, 2013

Something Old Something New Challenege


I am taking part in the something old, something new challenge hosted by Karen at Quilty Creations.

To take part you must write a blog post about one of three things:
  1. Items made from vintage fabric.
  2. Something from your re-purposed for the sewing room/space.
  3. Something transformed and given a new lease of life.

For me I am blogging about the hexagon holding Mason Jars that currently live on the window sill in my sewing room. 

The jar on the left is blue tinted, middle is a good housekeepers jar (which I adore), and left is slightly blue/green tinted.
When you first look at them they appear to just be vintage mason jars, each one holding a different color of paper pieced hexagons - which is exactly what they are.  But to me they are more than that, they are the jars passed down from my mother to me that held the center pieces on the tables at my wedding.

My mother collects vintage glass jars and has been saving them for years.  She uses many of them to hold her spices, flour, sugar, etc but there are many more living in a cabinet in her kitchen.  When it came time for my husband Jesse and I to plan our wedding I asked if we could use the Jars on the tables and she said yes without hesitation.
The top of the Presto Jar (yellow/orange)  has a glass top that matches the jar. The right jar has an elephant.
Just to use them was wonderful, but after the wedding she called me one day and asked if I would like to have some of them.  Now these jars sit in my sewing room on the window sill.  Each jar is different and each jar holds a different color of English paper pieced hexagons.  I love when the window glows and lets the light through the jars illuminating them and the contents inside.  It reminds me of the day I married my best friend, and what more could a girl ask for.

To me they are special and a great way to turn some old beautiful jars into something useful for my sewing room!

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a lovely Day!



  1. Your jars sure are treasures which hold much meaning for you. They DO look wonderful along your windowsil, especially holding your hexagons!

  2. Oh you lucky gal being in possession of such a wonderful collection of vintage jars which hold such treasured memories! They look beautiful with the light filtering through making them dance with colour and pattern. I have a penchant for the odd hexagon or two....I couldn't think of anything better to 'live' in your beautiful jars!

  3. They are all really pretty, a perfect way to keep hexies, and love the history behind them! :o)

  4. Your jars are gorgeous and such a lovely history behind them, thanks for sharing them and linking up! :-)

  5. Something so simple....but so beautiful! Thanks for sharing this story, it was wonderful.

  6. What a smart idea! The colourful hexi's are stored in view and show off those beautiful glass jars. And keep happy thoughts of your marriage fresh! Nice post!


  7. This is so lovely! Eventually when they are all filled up you will have a beautiful quilt and the art starts all over again:) They really do sparkle!

  8. love the idea of mason jars at your wedding!
