Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sun Quilt Update

The sun quilt top is finally fully pieced.  I needed to add some more background fabric so I could square the top up so it was no longer an octagon. Unfortunately I ran into a snag as I started the quilting process....

You see the top is a little wrinkly because my made up pattern was not perfect.  The background pieces above the star points had a little too much fabric hence the wrinkles.  I can smooth out the wrinkles and make it appear like they are not there but in reality they are still there and making the quilt impossible to quilt smoothly.

A close up of a wrinkle (it looks worse than it is)
So now I am in the process of ripping apart the major seams and trimming just a little bit off of the fabric between each section (the top picture shows one of the seams ripped and waiting to be fixed in the upper right).  It is a pain in the caboose, but it could have been a lot worse of a problem, or caught after a lot of quilting.

Next week I have a lot of free time so hopefully by the end of the week I should have the quilt completed.  I appreciate all your kind words and encouragement so far.  I look forward to sharing the finished quilt with you soon!

Have a lovely Day!

Elise Lea


  1. The joy of making up a pattern as you go....the challenge continues but you have a plan so hopefully things will work out well. Looking forward to seeing the next instalment - or maybe even the finished quilt.

  2. It is great to see your progress on this quilt. I really think you have a work of art here. It is refreshing to hear you are not letting a little setback get you down. And that you are willing to fix it before moving forward. You will never regret that! It does look fabulous... Hope you don't mind if I share a link-back to this on my facebook page at


  3. I think it looks amazing, and it will be so worth it once it's all sorted and finished, just a pain in the backside before then!

  4. This quilt is so lovely, I hope the trimming went well :-)
