Saturday, August 3, 2013

Sun Quilt Finished!

After 2 long months of machine breakdowns, quilting problems, and life in general getting in the way the sun quilt is finally finished.  I officially titled the quilt Sun Burst.  I have been calling it that in my head for the last couple weeks and I thought it fit the quilt.

For those of you unfamiliar with the quilt, the top (posted about previously here, here, here and here) is made entirely out of Kona Cotton solids minus the lightest almost white color in the center.  I wanted the center of the star to be lightest to resemble being the hottest (as in white hot) so I picked up a little off white at my local quilt shop where Kona was not available.  

Sun Burst was quilted using two different methods.  For the sun itself I used a variegated yellow/orange/red thread and echoed the shape of the star and quilted so the lines would radiate out from (or into, however you look at it) the middle. As for the background I wanted it to be quilted like swirling air.  To accomplish this I used a variegated blue thread and made circles that then swirled out one into another. 

I love the texture the quilting added to the quilt.  It really helps tie the pixelated background together especially when you see it in person.  I also love how when you look at the back of the quilt you can really appreciate the quilting in a subtle way.  To finish I bound the quilt in a navy blue solid.

Hope you are having a great week! 

I appreciate you stopping by and reading!



  1. Magnificent Elise! You must be thrilled with the overall effect and the quilting. Such a wonderful work all from solids. So will it be a wall art quilt or a bed quilt?

  2. Wow! I noticed that "white hot" center immediately! The quilt looks great!

  3. I love the quilting on this and the sunburst is so cool with the flecks of yellow and orange!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  4. This is beautiful!!! The quilting looks great and I'm so glad you didn't give up after a few set backs. Nice job!

  5. Congrats on the fabulous finish, Elise! I am sew happy for you! Great job! I love what the quilting has added to the design. Beautiful!

  6. Wow, that is really lovely. I could totally see it on my bed... (any hope of a pattern?) Visiting from the LGA blog hop, sorry I am late - I was on holiday with no wifi. You have made some lovely things and I love your use of colour.

  7. My husband recently sent me a few quilt designs that he likes and this was the top of his list. I think he thinks I can sew anything and have unlimited time! Neither is true!! :) With 4 kids, the oldest being 5, I'm looking for something that wouldn't be too terrible to make. Just wondering if you have a pattern of this, how difficult it was, etc. His last idea was a denim quilt so I collected a ton of pairs of jeans. I believe he decided that he likes this specific quilt much better. Is the sun paper pieced? I read how to make the blue part. Thanks for any help you can send my way!!
