Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year and Goals for 2014

Happy New Year from Lovelea Designs

I think today is the perfect day to share a few of the goals I have for this upcoming year!  I think goals are better word than resolutions because to me resolutions don't seem like something to strive for.  Goals can be modified and accomplished in small doses, to me resolutions are a decision to do something and are either done or not done.

A few of my goals for 2014 are (and are in nor particular order):

(1)  Blog at least 1 day per week.
  • Start a weekly post. - I used to do Sunday Stash but found that I don't buy fabric that often.  I also found that I felt obligated to buy something just in order to share it on my blog.  
    • Instead I am going to start a post called Sewing Room Sunday where I will share anything in the sewing room - new fabric (if I have any), favorite tools, notions, etc.
(2)  Get more organized and plan ahead - this will help with many of my goals.
(3)  Design, write and release at least 4 patterns.
  • I have one pattern written - I just need to finish the actual quilt and put a picture on the cover.
  • I have other quilts I could/should write patterns for, but just have not done it yet. 
(4)  Finish my stack of UFO's.
(5)  Spend more time in God's word.
(6)  Draw more.
  • I used to love to draw and I want to get into fabric design at some point so I think this would be good practice for me.
(7) Do more for others
  • God has blessed me in many ways and I want to be a blessing to others.
If you havn't written out any goals for this year I encourage you to do it to!  It is said that people who write down their goals are more likely to accomplish them and sharing your goals with others increases your chances even more. 

I hope you had a wonderful New Years eve, and I wish nothing but blessings and happiness for you in the year 2014!


1 comment:

  1. I have been patiently waiting to celebrate number 3. Number 6 is a fabulous goal. I have been thinking about this one A LOT lately, too! Number 5 is something many of us should be doing more of.... Thanks for the reminder! And number 7... Just wanted you to know how much I have appreciated all your friendly advice and encouragement in 2013 and am looking forward to sharing more of that with you in 2014! You are a blessing to many! Happy New Year, Elise!
