Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Finished Bow Tie Commission Quilt


I have been waiting to post more pictures of this quilt until the recipient actually received the item.  Now that it is in the hands of it's new owner I can share it with everyone here!

As I mentioned previously, this is the second version of my bow tie quilt (origional can be seen here). And I think it turned out so much better than the first version. 

For this commission quilt my instructions were:

1) Black and White with a few greys
2) Approximately 60" x 70"
3) Make the back fun, but do what you want
4) Quilting in an allover meander

I think I really nailed it with this finished quilt.  The person who commissioned the quilt seemed to like some of the more modern prints that contained white in them so I decided to add more prints with white and use a couple of lighter greys in the mix instead of keeping it as dark like original I created.  I am so glad that I did because this quilt has so much more movement.  It is a subtle movement, but it just really needed something to keep it from being too plain from far away.

For the back of this quilt, I wanted something that used the bow ties, but would give a completely different look than the front.  I had this idea for a combination of bow ties and strips using the remaining black and grey bow tie fabrics and the above picture shows my results.

Sometimes it is nice to use extra wide backing and just get the quilt done, (which I have been seeming to do a lot lately), but this quilt reminded me how much more interesting a quilt can be by taking the time to do a little something on the back.  

The finished quilt ended up being about 62" x 72".  I used Kona Snow for the background white,  quilted in a white thread with an allover meander and bound it in a black and white pinstripe fabric.  Hopefully its new owner loves it as much as I do!

Thanks for reading!


  1. This is beautiful, Elise. I especially like the backing - great detail!

  2. I love this quilt! I think the binding really finishes it off perfectly!

  3. It looks magnificent Elise and meets your brief perfectly. I agree that the extra spacing of the bow ties seems to work better. I love what you did for the back - very clever.
