Friday, August 29, 2014

My 10 Quilty Little Secrets

13 Spools

Since reading the original 10 quilty secrets post over at 13 spools, I have seen more and more of these posts pop up all over blog land.  I have really enjoyed reading them (and to find out that I am not alone in many of my secrets), so I thought I would share my own quilty little secrets. 
    1)  I love to iron my seams open.  I love the reduced bulk, I love the look, and I love how my fabric seems to get scorched less often when I do it.  

    2)  If you didn't see this in my first secret - I iron, I don't press.  Pressing does not seem to get my fabric flat enough.

    3)  I do not really have a fabric stash - I have one bin of fabric that is slowly emptying.  I like to buy my fabric one project at a time for the most part. 

    4)  I am completely afraid of my needles breaking when free motion quilting and sometimes wear sunglasses when I am quilting to protect my eyes - also it brings up my coolness factor.  (I have had a number of needles break when I was learning to FMQ and one even flung up and hit me on my eyelid- this does not often happen anymore, but the fear is till there...)

    5)  I dislike best press.  It is expensive and does not give me the amount of starchiness that I like.  I prefer the cheap heavy duty stuff. 

    6)  I passionately hate pinning... I always seem to do it wrong and it never seems to be of use to me since my fabric seem to shift even when I do pin.

    7)  Fat quarters are my favorite size of fabric cut.  You can do so much with them and you can get a pretty decent size piece for cheap. 

    8)  I prefer to join my binding end to end instead of at a 45˚ angle.  It is easier and I think looks just fine (although some situations call for the other way...)

    9)  I do not prewash my fabric for a quilt - for clothing item yes, quilt - never.

    10)  I love steam and water when pressing ironing my fabrics.  I like my quilts to take a little swim on my ironing board before I sew them.  I have a spray bottle filled with water sitting on my ironing board and I refill it often (ironically it is an empty best press bottle). 

    What about you?  What are your quilty secrets?


    1. It's quite interesting to see how many different little tricks or short cuts different people take in their quilting - there are a lot more details and options than first meets the eye. Speaking of eyes, sorry to hear you've had trouble with needles breaking - that's a little scary!

    2. I like this idea. I might do a similar post on my blog.

    3. I am more afraid of sewing a finger than a needle breaking. My mother's mother did this and they had to leave some of it in her bone. And, I've run across quilters who blogged about their accidents.

      I love how we all are alike in so many ways and yet, we all have our differences. :-)
