Monday, September 1, 2014

Quilt Progress Tracker Free Printable

I don't know about you, but I love to track my progress on pretty much everything.  I usually have a list (or three) going of all the things I need to do or want to get done.  Unfortunately, I am always losing my lists or just starting a new one because I need to consolidate multiple lists.

I decided that the best solution was to make my own custom progress tracking sheet dedicated solely to my quilting projects.  I know there are already ones out there, but I wanted one tailored for me, with neat little boxes to check off each step.  Additionally I wanted a space to write down any items I need to purchase in order to finish my current quilts and then more little boxes to check off when I purchased those items.

I really enjoy the look and they way the sheet works so I decided to share it with you guys in case any of you wanted to have a progress tracking sheet too! There is one difference between the free sheet and mine and that is that mine contains a pattern check box (in case I am writing the pattern for the quilt), and the free one contains a wash check box instead (I like to wash my quilts after I make them).

Downloadable Quilt Progress Tracker

For me personally I nailed it with this one, it is bright, simple and colorful (and it contains two of my favorite fonts). As soon as I had printed it, I filled it out, and now am on my way to finishing more quilts.

I hope you love this printable as much as I do.  Enjoy!

Linking up with Anything goes Monday @ Stitch by Stitch


  1. thanks for sharing. I love nothing more than a good list. Oh no, actually I do. I love ticking something off a list the most!

  2. Thank you for sharing this! I think I'll fill up quite a few trackers with all of my UFO's and WIP's. I'm visiting from Sew Fresh Quilts.
    Julie @ The Crafty Quilter

  3. What a great freebie! I'm a list girl too and this is perfect. Gonna pin it so others can see. Now to go read more of your blog as this is my first visit.

  4. Cool idea... I love that you added columns for photograph and blog! I'll be pinning this for future reference!

  5. Such a cute and pretty printable! Thanks so much for sharing it, Elise!

  6. Thanks so much for sharing this! I had actually started one to track my projects when I found yours - it's so much nicer than the one I was working on. :) I've already printed one and filled it out - now off to sew!

  7. Love this printable. I'm going to print one of these out and start using it.
